
Showing posts from July, 2024

will you?

I stopped seeing you  I stopped myself from getting hurt I stopped myself from going to the places we used to go together I stopped myself from eating the things that you used to buy me I stopped all these to try and move on from you But every time I stopped myself,  I thought about you more than ever You too stopped seeing me But did any of these things reminded you of me?????  But I became slave to the memories I want to be the person I was  When we were together  I am walking down the paths  That we used to walk I want to laugh, to cry, to confide  With whom shall I talk about this Talk about us, Talk about the memories,  That haunts me, that comforts me With no one But you.   will you give me a day To talk about them ?  will you give me  a hug To cry on your shoulders? will you give me a forehead kiss  And you tell me am going to be alright?  will you ?